100 Hearts

from Child Sponsorship

by Sindy Ong


I always remember and recalled this special day called WOW DAY. It is unique and only possible because of men and women of visions.

WOW to me means going the extra miles. What if our combined dollars could literally go the extra miles for the people from the other side of the globe?

WOW to me means doing beyond expectations. I presumed we like wow experiences to occur in our lives, what if we start sowing generously at the point of our own needs?

WOW to me means the moment. Is there ever a moment that brings you back fond memories? What if we keep creating the memories and deposit intentionally into our emotions bank?

Thank you for the wow experiences we can create for others. So many of you have already been giving generously to different causes that speak to your heart. But who can limit ones’ giving ability as it continues stretches?

When you sponsor a child for $45 a month ($540 a year) here, you’ll join with other sponsors and donors to address challenges in their community so they can have access to life’s basic necessities like clean water, basic healthcare and quality education. 

We may not see the children of the next generations. But your pay-it-forward seeds can be sown right now into their lives bearing bountiful harvest.

We need 100 hearts to touch 100 families. Have the best of the day. This month runs till end of July 2020!

I'll be challenging to pray and run 5km minimum each time for 6 days a week for the next 6 weeks, till end of July. A total of 165km. I guess what I dread the most is doing something consistently. I'll do my best, we all do our best.

Share w a friend/ relative or anyone! When we give, we receive even more. =D

Things to note

raised out of
0 days left to donate

Campaign contributors